When it comes to finding the right living options for you or a loved one, it can be difficult to know the differences between assisted living and skilled nursing care. Assisted living facilities provide a home-like environment and encourage residents to live as independently as possible, while providing necessary assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs). Home care provides assistance for the daily life of the home, independent living provides a community with convenient amenities, and assisted living combines a community that offers convenient amenities with support for the tasks of daily living. Country House is an example of an assisted living facility that offers 24-hour nursing care and therapy, as well as personalized assistance and support in daily life. This Wilmington, DE center has high-quality ratings from Medicare's Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS).
Rehabilitation centers for the elderly can offer inpatient and outpatient services. Your loved one may need inpatient rehabilitation if they need 24-hour care and ongoing monitoring. The second program offers state benefits that can provide financial support for assisted living. Ivy Gables is considered one of the 10 best assisted living centers in Wilmington for its efforts to create the best experience for residents. Most assisted living communities also provide transportation so that residents can stay active in the community and attend church services, beauty appointments, and other excursions.
This graphic should make it easier to compare if you're trying to choose between an assisted living community or a qualified living community. Some assisted living and skilled nursing communities may also have specialized memory care units, often a dedicated wing within the center, to provide the specialized care needed for advanced cognitive difficulties. In an assisted living community, residents reside in an apartment type residence that can be private or semi-private. Assisted living communities provide on-site speech therapy services, as well as other health care services as residents' needs increase as they age. If an older adult expects to return home after rehabilitation, ask about a short-term temporary stay in an assisted living community. Home therapies also lack the peer support and socialization that can be provided in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities. When looking for an assisted living facility near you that offers on-site speech therapy services, it is important to do your research.
Consider factors such as cost, location, amenities offered, and quality of care. With so many options available, you are sure to find the perfect fit for you or your loved one.